Tuesday, 7 April 2015

landmarks orientate to time and place.
soles tread lightly following the road to yourself impregnated with secrets like precious incense whose heady aromas seep and swirl in thin and thick spirals, an emphasis on movement and the choice between horizontal and vertical.
as though everything were so black and white.
refined sensuality and boundless imagination at any time can evaporate completely, airy, magical, ephemeral.  the atmosphere mysterious and symbolic like the hieroglyphs decorating your skin deliciously tempting to those with fingers curious and desirous to trace and read like braille, but not necessarily understand their meaning.
the power of subtle suggestion.
salt and metal licked from the wound on your hand as though it were the juice of the persimmon held in my own. songs sung in the language of magnets and oceans, gravity and stardust. the miracle and majesty of the ordinary and those things that hold us in place and set us again in motion.
the beauty of bodies celestial.
the elastic space between tiny heavens holds tight the answers to all of the questions you've yet to ask. a love of the layers and the intimacy of each. knowing you could take a bite and everything would still be alright. the harmony of giants in cosmic dance and a longing to hear the music.


alvaro barcala said...

A torrential stream of beauty and a radiant will for living.

Richard Goode said...

We live in a universe where spinning galaxies collide... and it is so, SO beautiful. The sensual and mystical merge in their dance to a more ancient music. You hear it.