Monday, 24 December 2012

all the bold sweet hearts

the wooden slats of the blinds shut out the world
trapping the flickering gold that bathes the room.
candles dot the floor along the skirting boards.
by fire we are surrounded.
flames burn to mark the edges of our world.
as though it had such things.
the feast has been prepared
and the year is beginning to run out of days.

may you one day realise we are living our future memories.
they should be worth the remembering.
resolve to breathe life into the dreams
and scenes painted on the interior of your skull.
we are blossoming flowers whose colours drip
sweet and sticky from our fingers.
lick your fingers as you fill your cups.
raise them to praise this sweet communion.
and drink.


the world,
even in dark,

it glitters.


nadine paduart said...

this reads like the most wonderful greetings card, very original.

Nichole said...

beautiful and sumptuous

ellom said...

a wonderful reminder. and much needed. blessings for the last days of year for you!

Richard Goode said...

The flicker of gold and flame in the dark days of the solstice turning - perfect.
So much here fills me with smiles and warmth - for yes, the thought has also haunted me that we walk through the fields of future memories... and they will be the richer for that knowledge.
I adore the last words '... the world, even in the dark, it glitters' Perfect.

Anonymous said...

your wordS encHAnt and Dazzle me as always ms. poirot..;)

cloudgathererholdmedown said...
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